This book celebrates the journey that my painting has taken me on. From paintings in response to the theme of my children learning to swim, back through bodies of work that have influenced and shaped my practice as a painter.Thank you for considering purchasing a copy of the book; Emily Ball – Painting. Delivery in UK £4.70, EU £17.00, Other £30.00.


The book is not intended to be academic, nor is it one that celebrates the usual craftmanship or accomplished style that many people aspire to attain. I want my own work to be a true and intuitive response to my subject.

This book is about: Celebrating the best that painting can offer Rigorous, non-fussy, vital painting and drawing
Getting rid of the ‘flab’ in your work
Stripping away the pretentious, arty, slick cleverness; and
Giving confidence and courage to artists and students to take risks

“It is very rare to find a ‘how-to’ book that is as clever, spontaneous and surprising and at the same time very, very wise and intelligent.

“It works on a number of different levels – enthusiasm and instruction. Primarily it is a book of originality. Anyone could get something from it, it really teaches you to see.” Matthew Collings (artist, writer and broadcaster) review.

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